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eLect (RealPlayer 10)
eLect (Windows Media Player 9)
Capture & Create Service
eLect (Windows Media Player 9)

The Windows Media version of eLect creates Weblectures that use Windows Media audio (.wma) and video (.wmv) files. Windows Media Player 9 (or later) is required to view these Weblectures. Alternatively, there is a RealPlayer version of eLect.


The eLect Software Package

The eLect Software Package contains all the tools required to capture, edit and distribute Weblectures. The two key components of the package are:

• The eLect Editing Suite: The core application offering editing tools and distribution options.

• The eLect Weblecture Capture Tools: A module that integrates with Microsoft PowerPoint allowing for the capture of live presentations.

The package itself comes on CD and is compatible with Windows 2000 and later. For full system requirements and purchasing information click here.


The eLect Editing Suite

The core component of the eLect Software Package is the eLect Editing Suite. The eLect application provides tools to create and edit clips. These clips allow the user to combine both image and audio information.

Each clip consists of a single image and a start and end time within an audio/video file. A Weblecture is simply a collection of these clips played in sequence one after the other.

The user is given the ability to select each clip's image and audio/video file and edit the start and end time. This gives great flexibilty to the user as unwanted pauses, interruptions etc can be edited out whilst any forgotten points or other additional information can be added.

The Weblecture creation process itself can be sped-up dramatically when eLect is combined with the Weblecture Capture Tools. These tools automatically generate clip information as a PowerPoint presentation is given, requiring only a minimal amount of further work to finalise the Weblecture.

Windows Media Weblecture Demo

In order so that you can see an example of a completed Weblecture, we have created a brief 5 minute demonstration.


In order to watch the demonstration you must have both a web browser and Windows Media Player 9. We recommend that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to view the Weblecture as some web browsers (eg Firefox) have difficulty handling Windows Media content.
To view the demo weblecture, click the following link:
Weblecture Demo (Windows Media)
(Windows Media Player 9 required)
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