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eLect (RealPlayer 10)
eLect (Windows Media Player 9)
Capture & Create Service
Capture & Creation Service

The Logic Matters Capture & Creation Service offers a one-off recording service, ideal for those who do not have the time and/or resources to capture, edit and distribute a Weblecture themselves. If you are looking to have us create your Weblectures you have 2 options to choose from:

Option 1: Use our software to capture your live presentation and then send us the files. We will edit your presentation and create a Weblecture according to your requirements. You receive a 'master' copy of your Weblecture, to do with as you please, and the option for additional distributable copies (in multiples of 10).

This option is particularly useful if a large number of presentations are to be given and you feel that you will not have the time to edit all those presentations yourself.

Option 2: For an absolute minimum of hassle on your part, we can capture the live presentation with our own equipment. It must be stressed that we are a London based outfit and prefer to stay within the boundaries of Greater London. As such we are forced to charge for expenses if we are called on to make recordings outside of this area. Visit our Generate Quote page for further pricing information.

As with Option 1, you receive a 'master' copy of the completed Weblecture along with the option for additional copies (in multiples of 10).

With this option no software needs to be installed on the presentation computer. This option is most popular amongst organisations that need to make infrequent or one-off recordings (eg AGMs, Formal Gatherings etc.).



The cost of the Capture & Creation service depends on both which option you choose and on the specifics of your recording. If you would like to get a quote for a recording, check out our Request Page.

To get an idea of the cost of an average presentation, see the pricing examples below:

Option 1
Option 2
Location: England
Location: England
Duration: 2 hours
Duration: 2 hours
No. of additional CD copies: 30
No. of additional CD copies: 30
Audio/video: Audio only
Audio/video: Audio only

Pricing: £250 per hour

Pricing: £250 per hour
  £50 per x10 additional CDs
  £50 per x10 additional CDs
   £550 per day recording fee
Total cost = £650
Total cost = £1200
Please remember that the above prices are only examples. For full pricing information, see our Request Page.
For more information on the what we offer, visit our Products & Services pages.
If you have any questions or enquiries, check out our Contacts page.
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