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What is a weblecture?
How are they made?
What is a WebLecture?

A WebLecture is a copy of a lecture or seminar (or anything similar) which has been recorded and converted into a format which allows it to be stored on a computer's hard disc or a cd-rom. It can then be watched using a standard web browser over the web or from a computer's cd-rom drive.

What do I see and hear when I watch a WebLecture?

You will hear the voice of the speaker and see images of the corresponding slides (see above). The slides are usually shown as static images but it is also possible to display video clips.

What are the benefits of using Weblectures?

Logic Matters is primarily focused towards the educational market, providing teachers and university/college lecturers with a quick and efficient means of creating and deploying eLearning material. However, this in no way excludes Weblectures from other theatres of business.

Glance through the following table and see if the listed features can benefit you or your organisation:

WebLectures are an electronic copy of a presentation

« A mass audience can be reached beyond those who can physically attend presentation.

« Can cover for presenters who are not able to give presentation, i.e. presentations can be pre-recorded.
« The audience do not have to attend the presentation, saves travel time and money.
« The audience can watch the presentation as many times as required at any time of day e.g. revision of material for exams.
« No additional preparation time required over what would normally be done.
« Provides a record of presentation for audience and/or presenter.
« Potentially avoids having to give the same presentation many times.
WebLectures can be distributed via the internet or company/university intranet

« Material is available automatically, on-demand with minimal staff overhead.

« Reduces distribution costs.
« Access can be easily controlled.
« New content instantly available.
WebLectures can be distributed via CD-Rom
« Low maintenance distribution since there is nothing to be maintained after the CDs are released.
« Provides the audience with hard-copies, avoiding the need for internet/intranet access.
Designed to be capable of using a wide range of digital Audio-Visual and computer based input, and is extendible for future equipment options.

« Video

« Audio
« Camera Table
« Pen Computer
« Computer Based Input
Genie designed for speed and ease of use.

« Saves time

« Avoids the expense of employing AV and computer engineers.
Complete Integration of the Capture, Edit and View process.
« The User has complete control within Genie over the creation, editing and dealing with questions and supplying answers.
User Content Protection.
« The Presenters hard work cannot be taken and used elsewhere.
Content is searchable
« User can automatically search for relevant or related material.

What PC setup is required to watch a WebLecture?

The viewer will require a computer (a PC or Macintosh) with a sound card and speakers; and either a cd-rom drive or a connection to the Internet. You will also need either RealPlayer™ 10 or Windows Media Player 9 depending on the format of the Weblecture.

How is a Weblecture created?

Creating a Weblecture is amazingly quick and simple. Find out more here.

Can I see a demonstration?

Demonstration Weblectures can be found on our product pages. To jump to the relevant page, please select the format in which you would like to view the Weblecture:

RealPlayer 10
Windows Media Player 9
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